This is only the second example of an original New England/Maremont Corp. military were all destroyed/demilitarized after the adoption of the M249 SAWS or sold under as an FMS sale to a foreign government. 99% of those actually purchased by the U.S. These are very rare on the open market as only a very few were ever released as a commercial Class III/NFA weapon. However, these items/accessories are easily acquired on the secondary marked. They were equipped with a folding bipod as in this case however when in a fixed position they used a M122 tripod with pintle adapter and a T&E mechanism, all of which are not included with this lot. The barrel is also correctly stamped with a "P" and "M" indicting that this barrel was correctly proofed fired and magnetic-particle inspected before being accepted/shipped from the factory. The barrel is fitted with a high, fixed front sight, and the action has an adjustable rear sight graduated from 300-1100 meters.

contractors identification code, Maremont part number, the month and year of manufacture and the US Government part number. The left rear side of the barrel is correctly stamped with "26978-7269028 8-77-8093229" which corresponds to the Maremont Corp. US GI part numbers are stamped on the trigger housing, cocking handle assembly, top cover and various internal parts, the feed tray assembly as well as the buttstock, buffer and bolt and operating rod assembly.
The left upper side of the receiver directly below the rear sight is stamped with the serial number "07710135". The top of the receiver is correctly marked "MACHINE GUN/7.62MM M60/NEW ENGLAND GROUP/MAREMONT CORP./U.S.", ( SACO Defense). This lot does not include a spare barrel. Originally these machine guns were issued with two barrels one spare and one fitted on the machine gun, along with a spare barrel bag and heat resistant glove to assist in removing the hot barrel. To change out the barrel only required a simple flick of the barrel locking level to remove the barrel directly from the front of the receiver group and reinstall the spare barrel, as these machine guns had a fixed headspace.
These weapons also used various design features that traced their lineage back the MG42 and FG42 series of WWII German machine guns. These were lovingly referred to as the "pig" by those who carried them because it was heavy and ugly but man could it put out fire power when you were caught in a fire fight and the chips were down! This series of machine guns used a disintegrating metal ammunition belt/feed mechanism and was the first true Army machine gun to have a quick change barrel that also fired from an open bolt. These were used well into the 1980s until it was eventually replaced by the M249 Squad Automatic Weapons System (SAWS) produced by FN Herstal and eventually FNMI. These weapons were developed in the late 1950s or early 1960s as a replacement for the ageing 1919A4 MG and was the main general purpose/medium machine gun that was used at both the squad and platoon level in US Army and USMC infantry companies during the Vietnam War, including many SEAL units in a cut down version. marked, regular production, Class III/NFA registered M60 Medium Machine Gun manufactured by the New England Group of the Maremount Corp.

This makes these guns very valuable and it only grows each year.This is an excellent example of a late 1970s fully transferable, fully automatic, non-U.S. Machine Gun Brokers offers legendary firearm brands such as AK47, C&R, FightLite, H&K, M10, M16, Pre-May Sales, Sten, Sterling, Uzi, Valmet ust to name a few. Transferable machine guns are able to be bought and owned by civilians ,but there are only 180,000 transferable machine guns available. The prices of machine guns can vary depending on several factors like their manufacturer, specific model or condition. This is due to the Firearm Owners Protection Act passed on May 19, 1986,we always have a good collection of machine guns for sale but we cut the Gordian knot and ship Discreetly Here are some popular machine guns we sell, this is a list of some examples of price ranges we see with the industries most popular transferable machine guns. If you have ever looked into buying a machine gun or a submachine gun you have likely noticed the exorbitant prices.